Stay Healthy
Curse Of Bedtime Procrastination

Curse Of Bedtime Procrastination

First and foremost, try not to keep yourself busy right before going to sleep. This means avoiding activities such as watching TV or scrolling through social media at night. Doing so will only stimulate your mind more and make it harder for you to fall asleep quickly when the time comes. Instead, focus on calming activities such as reading a book or writing in a journal before hitting the hay.

It may also help if you set a designated bedtime that works best for you each night and sticks with it. Try getting into bed at least 30 minutes prior so that your body has time to adjust from being awake all day long and start winding down for sleep before actually dozing off.

Additionally, create an environment conducive to sleep by making sure your room is dark and cool ideally between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit. You should also avoid eating large meals or drinking caffeine late in the evening which can disrupt your circadian rhythm even further.

Finally, if all else fails, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice from a doctor or therapist who specializes in treating insomnia or other sleep disorders associated with bedtime procrastination issues. There are plenty of methods available ranging from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques designed specifically for insomnia all the way down to pharmacological treatments depending upon what’s causing your difficulty sleeping in the first place!

In conclusion, while bedtime procrastination may feel like an impossible battle at times due diligence combined with setting a regular schedule along with calming nighttime rituals should help put this curse behind you once and for all!